SGD Speaker Juan Grimm

April 2011. Jaun Grimm is a Chilean based Landscape Architect and garden designer who was able to show the art of design in harsh environments. He started with images of his own coastal house, Bashia Azul, perched high on a rock face with magnificent views over the sea. His aim is to use as many native plants as possible (including a favourite of mine, the Hebe) but arranged in a natural way with constructive ambition and to include the surroundings. The three other inland gardens in Chile and Argentina, again aiming to reinstate a natural setting to the built environment. Grimm is very fortunate to work with incredible settings, but has the very difficult task of making mans intervention of a place invisible. Jaun Grimm also produced exquisite pencil drawings of landscapes and gardens.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deon, do you have any other information on Juan Grimm (periodicles, podcasts, interviews etc)? I love his work and will be doing a uni piece on him.

    Much appreciated,

